Leveraging Creativity in Advertising To Minimize Churn and Maximize Attention
January 4, 2022
Join Colin Dixon, Founder & Chief Analyst of nScreenMedia, and Steve Harnsberger, Founder & CEO of
Universal Search and Discovery as they take a deep dive into the distant dream of
universal search at the next
OTT.X Wednesday Webinar.
Get the latest updates on the progress of the technology, with market deployment examples and a Roku search case study data.
Explore the growing marketing power that universal search has gained and how it drives organic user acquisition at the lowest possible cost.
Why OTT Universal Search Matters in 2022 – Solving the #1 App Problem, Discovery
- The world of “too many apps” for OTT and TVE is already a reality (2016)
- “If Content is King, Discovery is Everything”
- OTT TV Search is friction-full & time-consuming process for consumers
- Nearly 90% of streaming apps are not part of cross-service search in 2022. Why?
- Open-source universal search standards would help enable apps that provide a comprehensive view of content availability. When will they be available?
- OTT Business friction realities stand in the way of truly universal search. How can they be overcome?
- Case Studies show universal search works wonders: Most apps in universal search see outstanding app install increases and double or triple digit increases in discovery and new app installs. How do we get the data we need to prove the business case?