The Delivery Metadata Workgroup is developing a specification, (Media Delivery Core), to enable systematic, standardized communication about digital assets required for publishing video content. This includes; 1) ordering digital assets from content providers by platforms, 2) providing data to platforms about the availability and status of digital assets, and 3) providing status from platforms to content providers about digital assets in process. The specification is slated for initial public release in Q4 2019.
Asset Ordering and Delivery Overview and Specification
- Amazon – Imran Aziz, Jay Webster, Jude Fitzmorris
- Bitmax – Dave Bartolone
- Google – Bill Kotzman, Jason Pena, Erin Mullen
- HBO – Justin Parkinson
- IMDB – Sarah Emerson
- MovieLabs – Craig Seidel, Larry Levin
- Paramount – Ali Hekmatpour, Andrea Kalas, Chris Flanders, Kathryn Claypool, Paul Charron
- PlayStation Video – Akane Maruyama, Kristine Alfred
- Showtime – Courtney Miller
- Sony NMS – Matt Pristave
- Sony Pictures – Dore Kiniry, Kacy Boccumini, Kelly Bouchey
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